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Thieves target Gros Islet Catholic church

Thieves broke into the Gros Islet Catholic Church and made off with a small amount of cash and a table top refrigerator.

The thieves are also believed to have taken some food parcels the church had collected on Thursday of this week to be distributed to the needy.

Since the parcels had not been counted, this could not be determined with any degree of certainty.

Church officials suspect that the burglars entered the premises some time between 10:PM last night, when the church choir was busy practicing, and this morning.

The items that were stolen were taken from the back of the church.

The theft has occurred as the church is attempting to beef up security on its premises with a chain link fence, part of which has been erected, a metal gate – which is already in place, and security cameras.

The burglary has been reported to the Police who have begun investigations into the incident.

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