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Mother of five raped

Police are investigating the reported rape of a fifty-one year old woman at Patience, Mon Repos.

The woman reported that the incident occurred last month when she attended a fundraising activity in the community.

She recalled going by the preschool to urinate and said during the process she felt someone behind her.

According to the women, who says she has five sons, the male assailant grabbed her in the near darkness, throwing her to the ground.

“When I fall on my back the person was on top of me, but I couldn’t make out who it was,” she recalled, adding that while she attempted to fight off the attacker, he held her by her throat and threatened to choke her if she screamed.

She said the assailant then proceeded to violate her.

The woman said she called for help whereupon another female came to her assistance.

She was taken to hospital, and later to the Micoud Police station where a report was made.

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