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Mother allegedly attacks student

A woman is accused of allegedly attacking a 10-year-old female student of the Delcer Primary School for reporting to the school principal, that she was bullied by her 8-year-old son.

The victim’s mother, Leona Jn Baptiste, said on Tuesday that her daughter was allegedly attacked by the female parent while on her way to school on March 8, 2016.

Jn Baptiste said she became upset after her daughter went home with a swollen arm from the incident.

According to her, the woman allegedly “roughed up my daughter” and the swelling has still not reduced.

“As we speak, the child can’t use her left hand. She is using her right hand because it is still paining her and she is very uncomfortable,” Jn Baptiste said.

Besides this, the child’s mother said this is not the first time the male student has bullied someone, and having attended a meeting with his mother, she came to the realization that his mother appears to condone his behaviour.

“He would wine up behind the little girls and tell them that he would rape and kill them,” she alleged.

The mother said these are not things a child, especially at that age, should be doing or saying.

She said she reported the matter to the Choiseul Police Station, who referred her to the Vulnerable Persons Unit at Vieux Fort, and an officer is currently looking at the case.

The upset woman said a mother should never encourage her child to beat up other children, and parents should not be allowed to treat people’s children in any kind of manner.

Jn Baptiste said she wants this to serve as a lesson to other parents to guide their children in the right way.


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