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Opposition Leader to address high level US conference

Leader of the Opposition Dr. Gale T C Rigobert has been invited to address a high level conference, #NotTheCost convened by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) which is chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

The conference which takes place in New York, will focus on violence against women in politics, as a deterrent to the full and free participation of women in politics and a violation against their human dignity.

Violence against women include harassment, discrimination, psychological and physical abuse.

Dr. Rigobert has in the past voiced concern about the “violence of silence”, which according to her is one of the worst forms of violence, as policy makers, leaders, politicians and persons in authority look on at the horror of the violence perpetrated against women, and (they) say (and do) nothing.

At the #NotTheCost conference, Dr. Rigobert will espouse what she describes as “literary violence”: the emotional and psychological onslaught against women in politics through artistic expressions, music, art and dance, for example.

According to Dr. Rigobert the level of acceptance by those in authority and the public in general is the greatest challenge to effecting change and recognizing the full parity of women in politics”.

Dr. Rigobert asserts, that as an evolved people “we should find violence against women repugnant and we should denounce it vociferously. But we should not stop there, we must undertake with boldness and fearlessness the necessary legal and regulatory changes”.

The #NotTheCost conference will conclude with the launch of a “Global Call to Action”, to identify, develop and implement strategies and best practices to stop violence against women in all its manifestations (including violence against women in politics).

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