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John Compton dam shutdown rescheduled

A planned shutdown today of the John Compton dam has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 22, 2016, the Water and Sewerage Company (WASCO) has announced.

WASCO’s Senior Manager – Operations, Aly Anthony disclosed that the company has to effect critical repairs to the twenty-four inch pipeline coming from the dam.

Anthony said because WASCO recognized that to conduct the repairs today and shut down the John Compton dam would have given members of the public insufficient notice, a decision was taken to reschedule to next week Tuesday to allow the public to be fully prepared.

He stated that the shutdown will begin at approximately 5:AM and would be for one day’s duration, affecting water supply to the North of the Island.

However Anthony explained that residents at the furthest end of the system will be the last to get water when supplies are restored.

He revealed that the main line from the John Compton dam to Ciceron has developed five leaks.

“The shutdown is necessary so that we can contain the amount of water that we are losing through that line,” the WASCO official asserted.

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