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Vendors Assn welcomes plan to enhance arcade, market

Representatives from the World Bank Group (WBG) recently met with government and other stakeholders and has agreed to provide a loan to undertake a project to enhance the local tourism product here.

President of the Vendors Association, Peter “Ras Ipa” Isaac, said on Tuesday that the team comprised of individuals from the group’s Competitiveness Project.

Isaac who was invited by the Ministry of Finance to attend, said the meeting went extremely well, as stakeholders were able to raise a number of issues related to tourism development.

According to Isaac, one of the issues he raised was enhancing the appearance of the Vendors Arcade.

“The World Bank people were so enthused about the whole thing and the kind of information we gave them in terms of the situation in the Vendors Arcade, the street and otherwise,” he said.

Following discussions, the team took a tour to the Vendors Arcade and while there, they suggested that the arcade be readjusted to appeal to the eyes of tourists.

It was suggested that the bandstand be removed from the middle of the arcade and placed at the waterfront, while at the same time, erecting a classy restaurant, coffee shop and ice cream parlor next to it.

Isaac said he agrees with the idea, since it will help to enhance the look of the entire arcade. “Right now that part of the arcade, the waterfront section, looking almost like a place where people wash clothes and put it out to dry and it looks very bad from a distance,” he remarked.

He said visitors coming to Saint Lucia for the first time, are not usually impressed with the view they get from the cruise ships that docks in the Castries Port and nothing about it looks appealing.

“The group has committed to preparing the sketches and planning for the project, and financing them. But the government would have to accept the project based on their list priorities,” he explained.

In addition to upgrading the appearance of the Vendors Arcade, the group is also willing to create a plan to address the hazardous situation with the exposed metal covers in the city.

It was also suggested that the provision market introduce a metric weighing system, so that instead of selling fresh produce in bulks, tourists will have the option to purchase small samples of various items.

Isaac recalled that the market was named one of the best in the world during last year because of the fresh produce sold there daily, but opined the metric system could create more sales for vendors.

The team also listened to ideas being pitched to them about erecting signs in certain areas and booths, to allow persons to sell different products and services to the visiting public.

The project is part of a new Regional Partnership Strategy for OECS countries for the period 2015-2019, focused on creating the conditions for sustainable and inclusive growth.

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