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Flood-Beaubrun laments suicides and rapes

Former government Minister, Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, has lamented a spate of suicides and rapes in Saint Lucia.

Flood-Beaubrun believes there is need for a social and legal system that can deal with the issues that lead to suicides and rapes.

“By this I mean, how is the rapist formed? How does he become a rapist? Early intervention in children and families is crucial to avoid deviant behavior,” the former Minister told the Times in an exclusive interview.

She spoke of a legal system which is able to effectively investigate, prosecute and rehabilitate, and which will send a clear message to criminals.

Flood-Beaubrun highlighted the need for a health and social system that can provide support to victims so that they can be healed in time and not become perpetrators themselves.

In terms of suicides, she underscored the need for early intervention and support for persons at risk.

In this regard, Flood-Beaubrun commended the initiative to establish a national helpline.

However she expressed the view that the real and lasting change will come when there is a change of heart, when everyone truly seeks to do good.

“This can only come when we turn our hearts and minds to God. Each person needs to do this on an individual level, and we need to do this collectively as a nation. We need to do this with our whole heart, without shame, fear or embarrassment,” the former Minister declared.

Sarah Flood-Beaubrun served as Minister of Health, Human Services, Family Affairs and Gender Relations in a previous Saint Lucia Labour Party administration during its first term and during the second term as Minister of Home Affairs and Gender Relations.

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