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UWP vows to restore Saint Lucia’s reputation

The United Workers’ Party pledges that one of the first acts of a new UWP Government will be to rescue the reputation of St. Lucia from the refuse heap of poor judgment, suspicion and partisanship where it has been so callously and selfishly dumped by the outgoing Kenny Administration.

Confidence in Government is one of the most important considerations to healthy diplomatic relations and robust, legitimate foreign investment. The UWP is therefore duty bound to restore St. Lucia’s honour, both at home and abroad.

We have already said that we will revoke Dr. Juffali’s appointment as our Permanent

Representative to the International Maritime Organisation and investigate the circumstances of his appointment. It is important that we take these steps to rebuild our relationship with the UK, one of our traditional trading partners and remove St. Lucia from any hint of being a scapegoat in Dr. Juffali’s alimony proceedings.

In the dying days of this Administration, it continues to show that it is not fit for purpose in the management of St. Lucia’s affairs. The latest snub by the French Government at our Independence parade is further proof of the loss of confidence in the Kenny Anthony Government. France and the UK have individually and collectively, as members of the European Union, along with the United States, all expressed reservations about the Government’s inaction following submission of the IMPACS Report.

This is a serious matter that must be addressed. Not only because we continue to lose assistance from our law enforcement and security agencies, but also because as a sovereign nation we have an obligation first to our people and to the community of nations with whom we have friendly relations.

The UWP wishes to reassure St. Lucians that within the first 100 days of coming to office we will announce the terms of reference of a three-member independent tribunal to review what has transpired so far and to recommend a way forward.

The country can no longer afford this matter to languish. As a people we must demonstrate our commitment to the observance of law and order, human rights and the rule of law. We must do so for our own well-being. There must be closure to the debacle that the IMPACS Report has become free of political gamesmanship and recrimination.

This is our simple guarantee to the people of St. Lucia.

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