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Further Decrease in Gas Prices

Consumers in Saint Lucia will pay less for both gasoline and diesel as of Monday, February 22, 2016. That is pursuant to reductions in the price of crude oil on the international market.

Gasoline will be sold for $0.04 less, at $9.68 per gallon. Diesel will be sold for $0.35 less, at $8.72 per gallon.

There have also been reductions to the retail prices of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) – 100lb, 22lb and 20lb cylinders. The retail price of kerosene remains unchanged.

Given the further reduction in the landed price of LPG, the Government of Saint Lucia has decided to pass part of the reduction on to consumers via subsidy. The 20lb and 22lb LPG cylinders will be subsidized at a cost of $7.98 and $8.50 per cylinder, respectively.

The next price adjustments will be made on March 14, 2016.

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