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Chastanet gives thumbs down to ferry service

Michael Chastanet, one of Saint Lucia’s leading businessmen, has given the thumbs down to proposals for a regional ferry service.

Chastanet was responding to a question from a caller to the DBS Television programme – TALK, with host, Rick Wayne.

The caller wanted to know the businessman’s thoughts on the creation of a ferry service given reliability issues with the regional airline, LIAT.

“I don’t think a ferry service is viable and I will tell you why; because between Martinique and Saint Lucia is short but the seas to Barbados St Vincent are far too rough,” Chastanet said.

The businessman added:

“I think what would be great is a small four to five hundred ton vessel with containers to move vegetables around and it can move a few people like the hucksters.”

Chastanet noted that the current ferry service between Martinique and Saint Lucia does extremely well because it is a short haul.

He proposed that people could use a boat to move their produce, and fly to their destination.

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