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Rigobert raises IMPACS with new US Ambassador

Leader of the opposition, Dr. Gale Rigobert, today met with the Ambassador of the United States of America to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean and the OECS, Linda S. Taglialatela.

Ambassador Taglialatela paid a courtesy call on Dr. Rigobert, a customary gesture after new diplomats present their letters of credence to the Governor General.

The Ambassador met with the Prime Minister and officials of government earlier.

During today’s meeting Rigobert reaffirmed the commitment of her opposition United Workers Party (UWP) to strengthening relations with the United States.

The Opposition Leader also expressed gratitude for the ongoing mutually beneficial relationship between Saint Lucia and the United States.

Rigobert thanked the new Ambassador for the USA’s unwavering commitment to Saint Lucia’s development and Washington’s benevolence towards the people of this country.

She raised lingering concerns about the IMPACS report which continues to cast a shadow over the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) and the people of Saint Lucia.

She reiterated what she described as the Prime Minister’s “wholly irresponsible” handling of the IMPACS report and his mudding of the issue.

Rigobert reaffirmed the UWP’s desire to see the IMPACS matter through to its logical judicial conclusion so that all parties concerned could “breathe more easily”.

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