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Teen allegedly assaulted by stepmother and sister

A Saltibus teen is now suffering a broken nose after she was allegedly assaulted by her stepmother and the woman’s sister on Tuesday evening.

Chervy Stephen, 18, of Piaye was on her way home when she was allegedly blocked by the women, who attacked her by throwing several punches.

A close friend of the young woman said today that the teen and her stepmother would have exchanged words in the past, but Stephen would avoid her.

According to the friend, who asked not to be named, Stephen recalls that she was walking through a passageway towards her home, when the two women confronted her and started to beat up on her.

Stephen’s father and her stepmother share two children together and is preparing to welcome a new baby, since the stepmother is currently 8 months pregnant.

The teen’s friend said that the Stephen’s father, who is a former police officer, had left her mother for the stepmother and both parties have never seen eye-to-eye.

The matter was reported to the Choiseul Police Station, but the officers are awaiting a medical report from the teen before they proceed with the matter.

Stephen is currently a patient at Victoria Hospital and is expected to undergo surgery to her nose today.


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