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Teenage murder suspect in court

The teenage murder suspect who was charged with causing the death of Paul St Rose appeared in court today.

The girl’s Attorney, Marcus Foster, told reporters that the court appearance was basically to inform her formally of her rights.

Foster indicated that an application would have to be made before a Judge for bail.

He disclosed that in the meantime, he asked the Magistrate that the teenager be remanded at the Marchand Police station.

“She is basically a child for the time being,” Foster asserted.

The law prohibits her identification by the media.

Foster said that persons between the ages of sixteen and eighteen are loosely referred to as children.

But he said once someone has passed sixteen, that individual is processed as an adult.

The next step is case management which has been set for March 10, 2016.

Foster has said that indications given by the Prosecution are that there will be no objection to bail under the current circumstances.

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