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Jade replaces Jadia as PM’s Press Secretary

Effective, February 1, 2016, Ms. Jade Brown will assume duties as the new Press Secretary to the Prime Minister. She replaces Mrs. Jadia Jn. Pierre-Emmanuel,

who resigned to become the Communications Director of the Saint Lucia Labour Party. Mrs. Emmanuel served as Press Secretary to the Prime Minister from January 2012 to January 2016.

Ms. Brown is the former anchor at Helen Television System (HTS) News Force, and previously served as a senior news reporter at the same media outlet.

Ms. Brown hails from the community of Canaries, and serves as the Chairperson of the Canaries Carnival Community.

The Office of the Prime Minister will maintain its established and functioning methods of communication with the public and will continue to keep the nation informed and connected through its regular updates on mainstream and social media


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