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Victim of alleged abuse flown to US

The seventy year old victim of alleged abuse by a caretaker was flown to the United States today, January 23, 2016 for medical treatment.

Relatives of the alleged victim, Virginia Raveneau, told the Times that she left her aboard an American Airlines flight at 3:20 PM.

The relatives claim that Raveneau reported suffering constant abuse at the hands of a female caretaker who is in her forties and is apparently also a relative.

According to them, the abuse included gross neglect.

They said Raveneau fell and fractured her hip in October, 2015, but was never given medical attention.

The abuse is reported to have been discovered when Raveneau’s sister visited recently from New York.

It is suspected that the abuse started some time in 2014.

A complaint has been filed with the Police.

However as a result of the absence of the alleged victim from Saint Lucia, Police have said that they cannot prosecute the alleged abuser since there is no virtual complainant.

However relatives of the alleged victim have told the Times that they want to see Raveneau’s caretaker in jail, and are examining their legal options.

One relative accused the caretaker of attempting to obtain Raveneau’s property by getting her to sign legal documents.



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