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CIP will continue to help stabilize unemployment – SLP General Secretary

Despite criticisms about the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP), Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) General Secretary Leo Clarke said it will create many opportunities for the island.

Clarke has said that CIP will generate major employment and lower the current unemployment levels, something he claims the government has already stabilized.

But Clarke said politicians such as Political Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP) Allen Chastanet have been making reckless statements that could potentially hurt the programme.

He said Chastanet is afraid that the CIP will produce positive economic growth and as a result, people will see the benefits and the UWP wouldn’t stand a chance of winning the next elections.

The SLP official boasted that his party has better Saint Lucia’s reputation on the regional and international stage, stating that the previous administration was embroiled in several scandals.

He said the SLP has also created good governance, under the astute management of SLP leader and Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony and his Cabinet of Ministers.



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