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Medical & legal services urged for rape victims

Human Rights Advocate, Felicia Browne, has called for medical and legal services to be provided to victims of rape.

Browne has observed that the challenge for many victims and their families is to get the best medical care during their traumatic ordeal.

She noted that many societies provide victims with free medical services.

However the Human Rights Advocate said that some injuries may require surgery and other costly medical care which are not covered by the state.

“Sexual offence legislation should enjoin overall protection of victims, including medical and legal services,” Browne asserted.

He quoted recent Police statistics indicating that for the year 2015, the Sexual Offences Category realised a decrease of twenty four cases.

Browne also recalled that the statistics indicated a 53% detection rate as compared to 62 percent in 2014.

Nevertheless she pointed out that the offence of Rape showed an increase of 11 cases.

“The report is a good indication that victims are reporting their experiences to the police,” Browne concluded.


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