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Mary Isaac questions “When will SLP gov’t cease from creating int’l embarrassments?”

Outspoken politician Mary Isaac is questioning whether the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) government will ever cease from creating alleged international embarrassments for the island.

Isaac was referring to government’s decision not to waive the immunity of its International Maritime Organization (IMO) Dr. Sheik Walid Juffali and the recent visit by a delegation of European Union (EU), among other things.

She said on Tuesday: “I never thought our fair Helen would witness the day, when, as a commonwealth country democracy, the government of the day, would refuse a simple request from a friendly and supportive motherland (from whence our European ancestors came), to lift the diplomatic immunity from a Saudi Arabian and non St. Lucian national to enable justice to be served.”

The United Workers Party (UWP) Senator said she is particularly disturbed by the fact that there was no due process for the appointment of Dr. Juffali and as far as the country is aware, the appointment was not sanctioned by the Cabinet of Ministers, and neither did it go through the proper channels.

“In any other country, those involved would have been dispatched with their marching orders forthwith. This is an abomination and an international disgrace,” she remarked.

Pointing to the recent meeting between a three member delegation of EU diplomats and Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony, Isaac said it’s a shame to have an EU delegation come to Saint Lucia to inform the people here of the need for the Labour Party Government to take control of the “fallout from the mess that the Prime Minister has made of the IMPACS report.”

She continued: “More shameful is the fact that the Labour Party Government is passing the blame on the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). A public officer who performed her functions with due diligence, confidentiality and efficiency.”

“The DPP is not responsible for proclaiming that extra judicial killings took place in Saint Lucia,” she asserted.

The UWP Castries South candidate pointed to other issues that were not properly handled by the current administration, while noting that several questions remains unanswered.

“Grynberg still not yet resolved on the international arena. We have had Lambirds and AIMU, which are both international embarrassments still unresolved and trying to be swept under the carpet. And clearly certain ministers allegedly infringed on the law and were culpable. Then there comes IMPACS, followed by Juffali.”

Isaac believes that Saint Lucians should continue to demand answers to these many questions.


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